Google Deploy Aurelius Atlas

Getting started

Welcome to the Aurelius Atlas solution powered by Apache Atlas! Aurelius Atlas is an open-source Data Governance solution, based on a selection of open-source tools to facilitate business users to access governance information in an easy consumable way and meet the data governance demands of the distributed data world.

Here you will find the instillation instructions and the required setup of the kubernetes instructions, followed by how to deploy the chart in different namespaces.

Installation Requirements

This installation assumes that you have:

  • A kubernetes cluster running with 2 Node of CPU 4 and 16GB
  • Gcloud Cli installed
  • kubectl installed and linked to Gcloud Cli
  • Helm installed locally
  • A DomainName

Further you need the helm chart to deploy all services from

Required Packages

The deployment requires the following packages:

  • Certificate Manager
    • To handel and manage the creation of certificates
    • Used in demo: cert-manager
  • Ingress Controller
    • Used to create an entry point to the cluster through an external IP.
    • Used in demo: Nginx Controller
  • Elastic
  • Reflector
    • Used to reflect secrets across namespaces
    • Used in demo to share the DNS certificate to different namespace
  • Zookeeper

The steps on how to install the required packages

1. Install Certificate manager

Only install if you do not have a certificate manager. Please be aware if you use another manger, some commands later will need adjustments. The certificate manager here is cert-manager.

helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm install  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager   --namespace cert-manager   --create-namespace   --version v1.9.1   --set installCRDs=true   --set   global.leaderElection.namespace=cert-manager
  • It is successful when the output is like this:
cert-manager v1.91 has been deployed successfully

2. Install Ingress Nginx Controller

Only install if you do not have an Ingress Controller.

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --set controller.publishService.enabled=true

3. Install Elastic

kubectl create -f
kubectl apply -f

4. Install Reflector

helm repo add emberstack
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install reflector emberstack/reflector

5. Update Zookeeper Dependencies

Move to the directory of Aurelius-Atlas-helm-chart

cd charts/zookeeper/
helm dependency update

Put ssl certificate in a Secret

Define a cluster issuer

This is needed if you installed letsencrypt from the required packages.

Here we define a CLusterIssuer using letsencrypt on the cert-manager namespace:

  • Move to the directory of Aurelius-Atlas-helm-chart
  • Uncomment prod_issuer.yaml in templates
  • Update {{ .Values.ingress.email_address }} in values.yaml file
  • Create the clusterIssuer with the following command
helm template -s templates/prod_issuer.yaml . | kubectl apply -f -
  • Comment out prod_issuer.yaml in templates

Check that it is running:

kubectl get clusterissuer -n cert-manager

It is running when Ready is True.


Create ssl certificate

This is needed if you installed letsencrypt from the required packages.

  • Assumes you have a DNS linked to the external IP of the ingress controller
  • Move to the directory of Aurelius-Atlas-helm-chart
  • Uncomment certificate.yaml in templates
  • Update the Values file {{ .Values.ingress.dns_url}} to your DNS name
  • Create the certificate with the following command
helm template -s templates/certificate.yaml . | kubectl apply -f -
  • Comment out certificate.yaml in templates

Check that it is approved:

kubectl get certificate -n cert-manager

It is running when Ready is True.


Deploy Aurelius Atlas

  1. Update the values.yaml file
    • {{ .Values.keycloak.keycloakFrontendURL }} replace it to your DNS name
    • {{ .Values.kafka-ui. ... .bootstrapServers }} edit it with your <namespace>
    • {{ .Values.kafka-ui. ... .SERVER_SERVLET_CONTEXT_PATH }} edit it with your <namespace>
  • Create the namespace
kubectl create namespace <namespace>
  • Deploy the services
cd Aurelius-Atlas-helm-chart
helm dependency update
helm install --generate-name -n <namespace>  -f values.yaml .

Please note that it can take 5-10 minutes to deploy all services.

Users with Randomized Passwords

In the helm chart 5 base users are created with randomized passwords stored as secrets on kubernetes.

The 5 base users are:

  1. Keycloak Admin User
  2. Atlas Admin User
  3. Atlas Data Steward User
  4. Atlas Data User
  5. Elastic User

To get the randomized passwords out of kubernetes there is a bash script get_passwords.

./ <namespace>

The above command scans the given <namespace> and prints the usernames and randomized passwords as follows:

keycloak admin user pwd:
username: admin
keycloak Atlas admin user pwd:
username: atlas
keycloak Atlas data steward user pwd:
username: steward
keycloak Atlas data user pwd:
username: scientist
elasticsearch elastic user pwd:
username: elastic
kubectl -n <namespace> get all # check that all pods are running

Atlas is now accessible via reverse proxy at <DNS-url>/<namespace>/atlas/