Data Quality

Is used to determine the quality of various entities already loaded into DMP’s governance tool - Apache Atlas. It verifies data loaded against various m4i types ( like m4i_data_domain, m4i_data_entity ) on quality measures like completeness, uniqueness etc.

There are two main categories of Data that is generated for each m4i Type entity.

  • Attributes related data consists of details about entity attributes where certain quality metrics can be applied like

    • completeness – whether we have a value for an attribute
    • uniqueness – whether values are unique for different entities
  • Relationships related data consists of details about entity relationships where certain quality metrics can be applied like

    • completeness – whether we have correct relationships between two entities.

These rules are inherited from m4i_data_management repository.

Configuring Rules

An important aspect of Data Quality is the rules that are applied to each entity. There are separate rules for attributes and relationships. However, the structure is same and follows as below.

id: id

expressionVersion: version of expression

expression: expression to evaluate completeness(‘name’)

qualifiedName: unique name for the rule example:m4i_data_domain–name

qualityDimension: Rule Category - explained below

ruleDescription: Description of the rule ex:name is not None and is not empty

active: 0 | 1

type: attribute | relationship

Rule Category Rule Description
completeness degree to which data is not null
accuracy degree to which a column conforms to a standard
validity degree to which the data comply with a predefined structure
uniqueness degree to which the data has a unique value
timeliness the data should be up to date


id: 1

expressionVersion: 1

expression: completeness(‘name’)

qualifiedName: m4i_data_domain–name

qualityDimension: completeness

ruleDescription: name is not None and is not empty

active: 1

type: attribute

Rules are maintained in rules directory of the package and can be found for each m4i type.

Running the code

We can execute file. This will generates 6 files in output folder of the package. Three each for attributes and relationships. In addition, generated data is pushed to Elasticsearch indexes. We can configure pre-fix of indexes by updating elastic_index_prefix for both attributes and relationships related data.

  • Summary – gives a summary of the data quality results.
  • Complaint Data – gives information about complaints.
  • Non-complaint Data – gives information about non-complaints.


To Run this package, we need to have below packages installed * m4i_atlas_core – communicates with Apache Atlas * vox-data-management – communicates for Quality metric already defined * elasticsearch – communicates with ElasticSearch


Please ensure your Python environment is set on version 3.7. Some dependencies do not work with any later versions of Python. Basically, this is a requirement for underlying package m4i_data_management

To install m4i-atlas-core and all required dependencies to your active Python environment. Activate it using:

source <venv_name>binactivate or create new python3.7 -m venv <venv_name>

Configurations and Credentials

Please make a copy of and and rename the files to and respectively. Please set the configuration parameters and credentials for atlas and elastic as below. Should contain two dictionaries viz credential_atlas and credential_elastic

Name Description
credential_atlas[atlas.credentials.username] The Username to be used to access the Atlas Instance.
credential_atlas[atlas.credentials.password] The Password to be used to access the Atlas Instance must correspond to the Username given.
credential_elastic[elastic_cloud_id] Service URL for Elastic.
credential_elastic[elastic_cloud_username] The Username to be used to access the Elastic Instance.
credential_elastic[elastic_cloud_password] The Password to be used to access the Elastic Instance must correspond to the Username given. Should contain two dictionaries viz config_elastic and config_atlas

Name Description
config_elastic[elastic_index_prefix] Define prefix for the elastic Index where data will be pushed to
config_atlas[atlas.server.url] The Server URL that Atlas runs on, with /api/atlas post fix.
config_atlas[atlas.credentials.token] Add Keycloak access token


  1. Create the Python Environment. How to do this can be found in this file under Installation
  2. Fill in the Configurations and Credentials as indicated in this file under Configurations and Credentials

3. Run to create 6 files in output folder, 3 each for Attributes and Relationships. Same data is also pushed to Elastic.

  1. creates/updates an index for attributes as `<prefix>`_quality_attr_[ summary | complaint | non_complaint]
  2. creates/updates an index for relationships as `<prefix>`_quality_rels_[ summary | complaint | non_complaint]