Aurelius Atlas Backup

Here you will find how to back up Aurelius Atlas for moving instances.

This process will result in zip files of the Apache Atlas data and a Snapshot repository of Elasticsearch indices that can be used for backup and in the case of disaster recover process.

Apache Atlas backup

Apache Atlas Backup Process Overview


Acquire access token for Apache Atlas’s admin user

You can use script from Example usage:

export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(./ --endpoint \
--client-id m4i_atlas \
--access atlas $ATLAS_USER_PASSWD)

Export data from Apache Atlas

You can use script, that wraps Apache Atlas’s Export API to export all data from Atlas. Example Usage:

pip install urlpath
python --token $ACCESS_TOKEN \
--base-url \

Import Backup to Atlas Instance

Apache Atlas exposes an Import API from where data is imported from a zip file. Admin user need rights are needed to use this api. This command will import a file in the current directory to a specified atlas instance.

curl -g -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Bearer-Token>' -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -F <apache-atlas-url>/api/atlas/admin/import

Elasticsearch backup

For Elasticsearch backup you can use Snapshot and restore API.

Create a snapshot repository

Create a storage account and a container in Azure

  1. Go to

  2. Go to storage accounts service

  3. Create a new storage account

  4. Set the account name. Optionally adjust the redundancy and access tier

    ../_images/storage_account_options1.png ../_images/storage_account_options2.png
  5. Review and create

  6. Once the account is created, go to Containers tab

  7. Create a new container

    ../_images/containers_create1.png ../_images/containers_create2.png
  8. Go to Access keys tab


Register a repository

  1. Access Elastic’s search pod/image, for example:

    kubectl -n demo exec -it pod/elastic-search-es-default-0 -- bash
  2. Configure Elasticsearch’s keystore with values from the Storage account’s Access keys tab.

    bin/elasticsearch-keystore add azure.client.default.account
    bin/elasticsearch-keystore add azure.client.default.key
  3. Optionally set a password for the keystore

    bin/elasticsearch-keystore passwd
  4. Reload secure settings

    curl -X POST -u "elastic:$ELASTIC_PASSWORD" "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "
        \"secure_settings_password\": \"$ELASTIC_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD\"
  5. Create the repository

    curl -X PUT -u "elastic:$ELASTIC_PASSWORD" "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "
      \"type\": \"azure\",
      \"settings\": {
        \"container\": \"aurelius-atlas-elastic-backup\",
         \"base_path\": \"backups\",
         \"chunk_size\": \"32MB\",
        \"compress\": true

Create a snapshot

curl -X POST -u "elastic:$ELASTIC_PASSWORD" "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
   "indices": ".ent-search-engine-documents-*"